Hi welcome to my blog! Thank you for looking at this blog and reading my poems, sayings, verses, and short stories. I hope that you will enjoy my writing! Thank you again and have a wonderful day! :)
Though the looking glass I see, a girl with long brown hair. Big, shiny brown eyes, a big gleaming smile. Magenta glasses, and a diamond shaped face. "Who is this?" I ask. "This is you. In the future." said the figure in the looking glass. "Me??????" "How can that be?" "You want to see what the future will be like.Well this is it." I looked really hard. I saw nothing. Looked again. I saw a woman, with a well paying job, and a wonderful, spacious, house. Was the woman me? Yes, yes it was.
I wish for a day, that would stay for two years. I wish for a school, to be a hour long. I wish for a day, full of life. I wish for a day, full of joy, laughter, and love. I wish for, an amazing day.
Dance, baseball, school, and homework. Can it just stop. Full speed ahead, never once looking up. Where has the time gone? I don't know. I wish I could freeze every minute. Let every minute last a life time. Let me enjoy every moment I have. Let me enjoy my childhood.
True friends will be with you for everything. They will love you for you. They will be with you when you need them the most. they will listen to you and you will listen to them. You should be there for them. You will love them for them too.
Baseball how can I describe it? All star players all around. Soxs, Rangers,and Cardinals those are just a few teams. Early in the morning to late at night. Boys all around playing the game they love so much. Around they go "Home run! Woooooohoooooo!!!!!" Love for the game. Love to win.
Hottest day it has ever been, and yet there is no water. Coldest day it has ever been, and yet no warmth. Sunniest day it has ever been, and yet no shade. Where is the water, the warmth, and the shade, when we need it the most? Has it all just disappeared? No. It will come back when we don't need it. And yet it will regret its decision.
Have you ever had that one good friend? I have three. These friends know me for me. they love me and joke with me. Why can't we all be that friend towards each other? Why can't there be more people like that? I wish that could happen. I wish we all could just get along. Have a great close friend we could share our secrets with. We know that they wouldn't tell anyone our secrets. They love us for us. They are true friends. They will stick with us forever!!!!!!!! :-)
Talk about horrifying! Ellis Island was an event that both made me fearful and excited. It was an experience that I will never forget. To have my dreams come true, no more hurt I will live. I will have my dad back. That is all a girl would want. It was late, at least what my mom would say, but I was wide awake. I explored the lower class section on the boat because that is all my family could afford. We've been traveling for months and I'm still not use to being so filthy. Everyone looked at me like I was some kind of pitiful freak. Well basicallythat's because I am. I began to smell the fresh air. I was very sick but I still caught a small whiff of land and freedom in the big USA! It was worth the whole journey. When I saw my dad waving to me from a distance. Seventeen years without a father can get you pretty emotional on such an emotional day.Wow, such a long time! It was a hard rain, and I was staining my dad's nice suit and tie with my tears. The tears made nice clean streaks down my face, so it made me look cleaner than I really was. As long as we are together forever I am perfectly fine!
My friend Valerie F. helped me out with this so thank you val you are the best! :-)
I wish you all could see the real me, as I walk up to you, you ignored me. Who am I? I am me. The person you ignored, the person who sits and is silent. The person who is loyal and kind. The one who will be there for you always. Will you be there for me? I think not. You will never see the real me. You will never know me, see me, love me for me. I wish you could see the real me.
The rain is pouring, you hear "Thump, thump, thump," on your umbrella. It stops. You put your umbrella away, and walk out side again. What do you see? Sunlight, Flowers, A rainbow. No. You see, A pitch black sky, Nothing but a door. You open the door, and walk in. You hear something. What is it? A music box you may think. But no, it's a girl cry out and saying, "You may never go back!" What does she mean? She means you may never go back!
Hey guys!!!!!!! I'm new to the blogging world so I just wanted a way to express myself and let the world seewhat I write. Here it is!! :-) Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh one more thing I would just like to say Thank you so much Miss.Corgill. You are the best teacher ever. You are the real reason why I started REALLY writing. You have made me express myself in ways I would never have. Keep on teaching how you teach it is working for you. Laugh out loud!!!!!!