Welcome to Riss-a-Roo's Blog

Hi welcome to my blog! Thank you for looking at this blog and reading my poems, sayings, verses, and short stories. I hope that you will enjoy my writing! Thank you again and have a wonderful day! :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Mind

My mind wonders
In my head it is thinking "Why?"
Never letting that thought go.
Deciding whether or not to do something fantastic.


Forever lonely
Everyone has it,
At some point in time.
Realizing the fear inside ones mind

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Destination

My life is crazy, and yes I don't have much time for writing, but I still manage to squeeze it in. I wish I could write more than what I do, but when would I? I love my life I will never regret living it, but I wish there was more time in the day. I know I have a long way to go till I reach my destination, and quite frankly I don't know where or what my destination really is. I plan to reach it one way or another. With the help of my friends I will reach my destination fast!

My Care For You

My care for you is,
so big,
and strong.
My care for you is,
My care for you is,
and full of joy.
My care for you is,
in my heart.
I care for you.
Do you care for me,


Where is the time?
Where is the peace?
Why is there war?
No one knows.
I wish there was time in the day,
for peacefulness.
I wish the war between,
the two nations would end.
I pray for peacefulness.
One day.
Some day.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Falling In Love

Love can't be helped.
Love can't be stopped.
Everyone knows love,
is in the heart.
Love is all around,
and I could fall in love,
with anyone.
And anyone,
could fall in love with me.
Love is in the air.
Love is on every surface.
Love is in you,
and me.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Don't Go Back

Don't go back to your old life,
of sorrow.
Don't go back to your life,
of pain.
Don't go back to your old life,
of misery.
Don't go back to the life,
you use to have.
If you look at the past,
it will come back to haunt you.
If you look toward the future........
It will be.......

In My Hands

In my hands I hold you dear,
so close,
so tight.
In my hands I hold the light,
so bright.
In my hands I hold the world,
so beautiful,
so full of life.
How did God create something,
so magnificent.
No one knows.

Christmas Is Here

Christmas is green.
It sounds like bells ringing and children singing.
Taste like chocolate chip cookies and milk.
Smells like a gingerbread man.
Looks like snow on the ground, and a tree high in the air.
Makes me feel so happy.

Hurricane Katrina's Destruction

Destruction is black.
It sounds like buildings being torn down.
Taste bitter and to sour for me.
Smells like dust in the air.
looks like a worn down building.
Makes me feel sad to let something go.

Redder Than Life.

Red is like a soft cloud, a pillow and feels like cotton candy.
Red is the taste of a lollipop.
S'morse and ice cream smell red.
Going on vacations make me feel red.
Red s the sound of music coming from my Ipod, and the rush in the hall of sixth grade.
Red is the ocean, home, and dance studio.
Dancing is red.
Time with my family is also red.
Red is happiness.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Creator

You are a creation.
Who is my creator?
Is it my mom?
Then who is my creator?
Guess some more.
Am I an alien?
No way!
Just tell me already!
Your creator is the Lord,
Jesus Christ.
He created you,
and everything in this whole universe.
He created the day,
the night,
the light,
and the darkness.
He created the animals,
and all the humans in this world.
The Lord is wonderful.
Thank Him for everything he has done.
Tell Him you love him,
and pray to Him.
He is your creator.